Dramatis personae
Poklov, Town Watchdwarf
Felcanis, cleric
Honsou, bowman watched by the Town Watchdwarf
Quid occurrit
After twenty minutes of rest and some Lend Energy on Poklov, the heroes start off. Moving back into the workshop, they see some scurrying in the darkness: four centipedes as big as men. Honsou aims at a centipede in the back, Felcanis holds her ground, and Poklov moves towards the centipedes. Angelista chucks a javelin at a centipede, but misses.
One centipede steps forward and tries to bite Poklov, but he swats it away with his axe. Another makes a mad run towards Honsou, who steps out of the way. A third rushes forward and bites Felcanis, who takes a bite. She feels a bit numb as its poison runs through her body. The last one tries to rush forward and bite Angelista, but misses. Honsou gets off a shot at the centipede at which had been aiming, but his arrow glances off its chitinous plate. Poklov chops twice at the one that rushed towards Angelista, hitting once. Angelista pulls out her sword and hits the same one as Poklov.
A centipede lurches at Honsou to bite him, but he steps back. Likewise, another tries to bite Poklov, but his bite catches the edge of his shield. Felcanis dodges a bite from a third centipede, while Angelista blocks a fourth's. Honsou puts his bow into his offhand, pulls out his knife, and steps behind Felcanis. Poklov twice smacks a centipede with his axe, and it slips and falls. Angelista hits the same centipede from behind, taking it out. Felcanis steps and casts Armor 2 on Angelista.
Honsou steps away from a centipede bite, while another one tries to bite Angelista but she likewise dodges. She sees that the dust around the centipede shirks away from it, which she thinks means it is demonic. Felcanis steps away from a biting centipede, while another centipede ducks away from Honsou's swing of his long knife. Poklov steps behind the demonic centipede and tries to hit it in the head, but instead nicks its shoulder. Angelista doesn't even get a nick to its shoulder when she thrusts with her sword.
The centipede near Honsou misses him with its bite, while Angelista steps away from the bite of the demonic centipede. Felcanis also ducks the bite of the last centipede. Honsou taps the centipede that tried to bite Felcanis. It doesn't get through its plate, but it slips and falls. Poklov hits the demonic centipede twice, while Angelista nicks it, but it slips and falls trying to get out of her way.
Honsou cannot get out of the way of the centipede trying to bite him, but its bite doesn't get through his armor. The demonic centipede tries to bite Angelista while on its belly, but cannot reach her. The last centipede tries to bite Felcanis, but misses. Honsou gives the centipede by him a small gash, while Poklov smacks the demonic centipede in the head then steps away. The centipede slumps, dead, and not only does Angelista think the demonic spirit is gone, but its clear to everyone that its brain fluid is seeping out. Angelista rushes to help Honsou, but misses when she reaches the centipede.
Felcanis and Honsou both get away from centipede bites. Honsou tries smacking one on the head, but can't get through the plate. Poklov hustles to get to the two living centipedes, while Angelista nicks a centipede in the back of the head. Felcanis smacks the body of the centipede nearest her. It tries to bite her back, but misses. However, the centipede fighting Honsou gets through his armor, and its poison numbs him. Honsou's knife can't get through its chitin as he tries to fight back.
Poklov at last gets to a centipede, and he swings his axe twice at its body, not hurting it much. Angelista brings her sword down on the standing centipede's skull, and it falls from her blow, though somehow still looks up at her. Felcanis again bangs on the centipede's chitin, while the two centipedes bite at Honsou and her for nothing. Honsou nicks the centipede with his knife, which is more than Poklov gets with his axe.
Angelista once again puts all her might on a blow to the centipede's skull, splitting it fully open, and getting loads of dire monstrous centipede brain on her sword. Felcanis gives the last centipede a smack, then gets out of the way when it tries to bite her back. Honsou can't get his knife through the centipede, but Poklov knocks it out with an axe blow to the skull.
Though Felcanis doesn't know much about the poison and nobody can help her, she does clean herself and Honsou of it after casting Neutralize Poison thrice. They rest for most of an hour, and once again start to get out. Honsou gets the door on the other side of the room open after seeing it is safe to do so, and they see that they are down the hallway from where they had been before going into the room with the cages.
Since to the right is down the hall whence they came, they go left, and almost right away there is a heavy ironbound door. Honsou checks out the door for traps and noise, but cannot unlock it; it's too tricky. Thus, Poklov chops open the lock, drawing no heed from anyone else in the dungeon. He sharpens his axe, then go into the room.
In the middle of the room is a big, rotten table, and beyond it is a brass spittoon. They see no doors anywhere in the room. They start looking around. Honsou spots a split in the far wall beyond the table and spittoon, and sees that the corners of the left half of this wall are less dusty than the right. Angelista, looking for a way to open the wall, spits in the spittoon, and the spittoon now has spit in it. The spittoon is fulfilled in an inanimate way that someone has used it for its intended function and not spat nasty, unhealthy tobacco into it, but nothing happens with the walls. At long last, Honsou thinks to press the corners of the left half of the wall, so he and Poklov do so at the same time. The wall opens.
Beyond the wall is a hallway, going left and straight ahead. They can see that straight ahead the hallway forks, and to the left it turns. It goes down, but it's not a stairs, just a downgrade. They backtrack and go right, past a stairway going down, into a room. In the middle of the room is a potter's wheel, crusted over with clay. After being unable to see what the old potter's wheel does, they go back to the secret door and go right.
The hallway takes a left turn, which they take. They walk down the hallway, and find some kind of oily flow is dripping from the middle of the ceiling in this area of the hallway. There is a shallow trough worn down the middle of the hallway, and the flow trickles along it for about fifteen feet before ending in a crack in the floor. Angelista checks it out, and the fluid is not something she's seen before. It has a grainy quality, not a smooth fluid. It doesn't seem natural.
At the end of this long hallway is a door. Honsou checks out the door and easily opens its cheap lock. He opens the door into what looks like an old sitting room, from the rotten carpet. The next room beyond still has a four-poster bed. At the edge of the room beyond the bed is a wardrobe.
Felcanis fiddles with the wardrobe. She finds nothing special about it other than that it's closed, so she opens it. She hears a din above, and steps out of the way of the big wooden block that falls. Angelista pulls Felcanis aside, and Honsou checks out the wardrobe, finding it otherwise untrapped and empty.
Angelista scratches her head. "Why would anyone trap an empty wardrobe?"