The murderhoboes
Zaber, the suave and debonaire man who is going to make a killing off demon bowling
Polly, cute and deadly elf archer who didn't bowl
Stonemaul, half-orc holy warrior who also didn't bowl
Korlos, wizard who really should take up demon bowling to pump up his muscles
What happened
So, after going to town and getting more Gaseous Form potions and other fabulous things and chilling, we have come back to Castle Whiterock. We are now at the entrance to the Demonhold, near the path to the bugs.
Before we drink the potions, Garreth lights his vial, Korlos casts Flight on all of us as well as Haste and Darkvision on himself, and Polly casts Keen Vision and Keen Hearing.
Korlos hesitates, clearly watching for others to go first, and asks, "Is it safe to come in there?"
Garreth shrugs. "It's a dungeon, not supposed to be safe."
I chuckle. "Now, let's get our mascot."
We down the potions and float through the tunnels. Once we get out, we spot Voracious and four other vespertiliacs. They look bored, chattering with each other. Every so often they slash each other up, though their wounds heal right afterwards.
The vespertiliacs see our clouds. Well, not my cloud; I put on my ring before drinking the potion. One says, "Oh hey, clouds! Think it's gonna rain?"
Voracious cackles, "We can REND the rain!"
A third chimes, "Oh neat! I love acid rain."
Garreth floats towards them, holding himself together near their flapping wings. The vespertiliacs follow. Garreth's cloud is clearly the most exciting thing they've seen in a while. One says, "Do you wonder why it's green?"
Another yells, "Obviously it's SUPER ACID!"
A third says, "Or maybe it's chlorine gas like a green dragon?"
The first one scowls, thinking about his demonic chemistry class. "Isn't chlorine a base?"
I start to take shape again, and a few seconds later, I see that Garreth and Polly are doing the same. As Garreth starts to become a half-orc again, his droplets move to-and-fro faster: he has brought forth his flurry. This shocks Voracious and one of the other verspertiliacs, who says, "Like, the CLOUD turned into an IRON GOLEM, dudes!"
Garreth grins wickedly at them. "Hey, buddy!"
The stunned vespertiliac stares at Garreth, agape. "Dudes, the HALF-ORC is going to HIT me?"
The half-orc does indeed hit it. In a split second, Garreth has cut off its arm and leg. He also tries to cut off the head of another vespertiliac and stick his sword in the chest of a third but misses both times. However, he does hit the fourth one. "You guys are out of your league," he says. Polly shoots the last one in the skull three times, her bow already out. Her arrows drop it.
I yawn. I've seen all this before. I watch Polly fire at another vespertiliac, and I step and wait for Voracious to back into my reach.
One of the vespertiliacs drops from its wounds, and another shrieks. I think it was trying to scare us or something, but we yawn at it. It then pounces at Garreth with its claws, teeth, and tail. The tail hits Garreth, wounding him, but Stonemaul, having taken shape again, uses his Rune of Protection, and his wounds magically heal. It asks him, "Hey, why aren't you wracked by horrible tremors?"
Garreth smirks. "I drink myself into a stupor with poison nightly." With that, he swings first for its chest, then, having wounded it, cuts off its head. He turns to Voracious. "Hey, Voracious, you gonna stand down or shall I take your head off, too?"
Voracious cackles, "Call off the elf and I shall defeat you one on one, half-orc, for I am Voracious Von Vespertiliac the 7th!" He seems so proud of his remark that his mind boggles at it.
Garreth shrugs and cuts off its head. "Suit yourself." He looks down at his sword. "Hey, Scalemar, you're pretty good at killing demons."
Stonemaul comes over and looks at Voracious's headless body. "Thought we were going to keep the wretch as a pet or some'uch?"
Garreth says, "I thought about it but he was annoying me. I gave him a chance to stand down and everything."
Stonemaul nods. "Gotcha. It was a demon, needed vanquishing anyway."
Garreth says, "Do you know how many creatures died for a lack of such an opportunity?"
I pick up Voracious's head. "Hey, Voracious, is it true that the decapitated can react after decapitation?" Voracious does not respond, so I lift up its ear and speak into it. "Hey, Voracious, I think your head would be great for a baseball game. What do you think?" I take a couple of steps back and get into a set position. "C'mon, Garreth, batting practice."
Garreth shrugs. "We've got more interesting foes to murder."
Polly says, "I only got to shoot two of them. Maybe next time we can find more to slay."
Stonemaul says, "Aye. So, anyone know how to extract useful bits from dead demons?" I lift the head, which seems to float since I'm invisible, and start getting out poison. Afterwards, I open my sack and let out Logan to let him use the head as a chew toy. This lasts about three seconds. But hey, it was a cheap chew toy.
Garreth looks at the wall, then he picks up the body of a vespertiliac. He takes a moment to focus, then pops around the corner and throws the demon's body. The osyluths on the other side are stunned as their wall burst before them.
I'm more impressed with Garreth's perfect strike. We have a new sport as well as demonic foes.
Bowling league notes
We got 3 CP because demon bowling is cool.
Kyle (Garreth) and I (Zaber) chat on voice during the game, and when Garreth resisted the poison, we joked that Garreth likely really drinks the poison, given his absurdly high resistance to it.
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