Saturday, October 30, 2021

Castle Whiterock 25 October 2021: You get nothing for nothing, if that's what you do

The murderhoboes

Garreth, half-orc swordsman
    Bleu, droning elf wizard
Zaber, suave and debonaire man
    Logan, wolverine
Polly, cute and deadly elf archer
Thrognar, half-orc holy warrior
Mikal, human holy warrior

What happened

I let the others know about the wraiths, then turn a little down the hall on the other side of them. Polly moves, and shoots three cutting arrows at one, but misses. Garreth focuses on Great Haste, Mikal steps and casts Sunbolt, and Thrognar steps and focuses his heroic power.

The wraiths glide forward, unsheathing grim, flickering swords of nothingness. Polly looks suddenly shivering and starting to rime with frost as they near her. The swords of nothingness flash silently as shadow upon shadow. One wraith loses its balance as it swings at Polly, who gets out of the way. Garreth moves, then attacks, giving the off- balance wraith a couple whacks. He feels chill as he gets near. He hits, and feels the blade bite but only faintly, like fighting a swarm. Thrognar brandishes his holy symbol and holds it up to hold back the wraiths.

Polly moves and shoots thrice at a wraith, and the arrows rip small chunks of nothing away. I snap alert and yell at the nearest wraith, "You guys are doomed to an unlife of no booze!" It does not seem overly impressed. Then I step and wait for one to come near.

It does. Its aura of chill rimes me in frost.

There empty hoods full of angry nothingness turn gaze upon Garreth, but he yawns at them. The wraiths' voidblack blades lash out at Garreth. He takes some hits, drops his sword, and swears in Undercommon. He shouts at us, "Run!"

Polly looks sad. "But I was hurting it!" She doesn't fall back. Seeing weapons be less than effective, Thrognar keeps concentrating, in hope the wizard and or Polly can hurt them, "Polly, you can hurt them from behind me."

Polly says, "Oh okay." She moves and shoots thrice, wounding it. "I can't quite get behind you."
Mikal steps and waits to throw Sunbolt at any wraith coming towards him. Thrognar seems to be holding them back, so he keeps concentrating. "I can't keep this up forever, perhaps zapping them is in order." Mikal falls back and let them into the choke point, while Logan and I fly back to just behind Thrognar.

The wraiths split up. One goes to the left, while two others fly into a passage to the back and right. Garreth waits, trying to stay aware. I say, "They're gonna come around on us!"

Polly's worry is different. "They're getting away!" Bleu helpfully blabs that the spells Affect Spirits and Sunbolt work well on wraiths. None of this matters to Polly. She chases after the wraith that went east, and chills from its aura. She then shoots it thrice from behind. It dissipates in a blast of frost and chill. "Brrr!" Mikal steps and gets ready to throw Sunbolt. Thrognar readies a step for when someone gets out the way.

Logan and I move over to right keep aware for the wraiths. "Keep a look behind me, Logan." Polly chases the wraiths, shooting as she does. Garreth moves, putting his back to the ceiling. Bleu stays near to Thrognar, who steps, and Mikal steps in time with him.

Logan and I move into the tunnel a little bit, Logan looking behind. I see a wraith. "Boys and girls, we have company! One is coming!" It charges towards me, then sees Thrognar, so it flees instead.

I see that it seems to be silently saying something as it sees Thrognar. "The paladin doth stand before us, let us fly! Round back to the flank of our foes!"

I let the others know, "They're coming around again!" Polly moves around the other corner. We can hear the twang of her bow, and there's a slight thud from one of the arrows. I yell at her, "Polly! Get back here before you get your ass killed!" Polly moves back towards us on my advice. Garreth slides along the ceiling to stay with Thrognar, who steps. Mikal steps, too, and throws Sunbolt at the wraith down the tunnel. It sears fiercely into it, it burns as nothing and blackness flares up. It vaporizes into nothingness, a fresh clean nothingness.

I float forward a few steps warily. The wraith swings at Polly, but she gets out of the way.
She thinks about her life choices, but takes three shots as she runs past, and hits twice. Mikal steps and casts Sunbolt again. Thrognar steps around the corner towards the right. I fly down the tunnel kinda quickly but not too quickly.

The wraith steps and strikes Polly from behind, blade of nothing flickering in the darkness. She falls. Garreth rushes forward and shouts at the wraith, stunning it, then he grabs Polly. Mikal steps and throws Sunbolt at wraith, singing it. It flares up and it's mostly gone! Thrognar steps towards the wraith, holding it back.

I fly around the corner, trying to get behind the wraith, and I see an open-mouthed pit yawns in the middle of the floor. A fiery glow seeps into the room from that chasm, and waves of heat forshape the air above it. I then keep flying to try to get behind the wraith. Garreth swears in Undercommon, then shouts, again, stunning the wraith. As Mikal steps and casts Sunbolt, Garreth books it as fast as he can. Thrognar steps towards the wraith, and Bleu casts Great Haste on Mikal.

Mikal steps and throws Sunbolt at the wraith. The Sunbolt fries it to shadow and nothing. I hear sounds like something small hitting the ground as the wraiths died. I check out where it fell, and find a gold ring. I read the Undercommon writing on it. "Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die." I shake his head. "Nah, Logan, not for us." I then check out where the others fell, and find a silver ring and a copper ring. "Hey, Blah, what about these rings? They magic? Valuable? Boring?"

Bleu takes a look. "Ah, yes, it is said that in the Days of Old, when Benthosruthsa ruled Castle Whiterock, he chose three mortal champions amongst his guards, as men live less than elves or dragons, he forged them soul stealing rings of bleakest necromancy, to this day they are said to guard his realm eternal into undeath." Bleu thoroughly tells me all about this.

I yawn and ask, "I take it bad things happen if we wear them?"

Bleu says, "Yes, but they are valuable curios."

Garreth goes to sleep on the floor. I cover him and Polly with blankets.

Urbancrawling in Dungeon Fantasy

Urbancrawl procedures

  1. GM determines weather
  2. Wake up, handle effects of sleep, HT rolls for harsh climates, HT rolls for healing, breakfast
  3. Shopping, healing, recharging 
  4. Pick tasks for the day
  5. Resolve tasks
  6. Morning encounter
  7. Afternoon encounter
  8. Evening encounter
  9. Cost of Living
  10. Sleep/Night encounter

The General Idea

When the party gets back to town, resolve selling items from the dungeon first. Then, determine what the party wants to do, as these tasks, especially training and crafting, will determine how long the party must stay in town.

This is a work in progress. I have no idea how well much of this will work, though I have long assessed Cost of Living by the day, not by the week.

The High Cost of Urban Living

Cost of Living for Status 0 or higher is normally is $150/week. There are times when this is better assessed per day, in which case the Cost of Living for Status 0 is $20/day. This handles normal room and board, including cost to stay at a tavern. If delvers want to stay at an inn, this adds $80 to daily Cost of Living (thus, making it $100/day) and grants +2 to rolls for Bargain Hunting (Dungeons, p. 4; Exploits, p. 13), Rumors (Dungeons, p. 4; Exploits, p. 14), Advertising (Dungeons, p. 4; Exploits, p. 14), and Finding a Sponsor (Dungeons, p. 4; Exploits, p. 14).

Compulsive Behavior adds lower amounts to Cost of Living when tracking Cost of Living day by day. Instead of the chart on Adventurers, p. 59, a self-control number of 6 adds $16 each day to Cost of Living; a self-control number of 9 adds $12 each day; of 12 adds $8; and of 15 adds $4. This amount does not change with Status.

Daily Cost of Living to feed animals is $10 at SM 0. Halve this for each SM below 0, and take twofold this for each SM above 0. This likewise does not change with Status.

Slumming It

For Status -1, Cost of Living is $10/day, and the delver must make an Urban Survival roll against a cutpurse showing up to pick his or her pockets. Assume the cutpurse has an effective Pickpocket skill of 17 vs. the delver's Perception or Per-based Streetwise; failure means the cutpurse gets the delver's money. If the delver already owns a home here ($1,000 gets him or her a permanent hovel in town, but the delver still must pay Cost of Living), this roll is at +5. Casting the Watchdog spell before going to bed keeps this from happening.

For Status -2, Cost of Living is $4/day, and not only must the delver roll against Urban Survival to avoid a cutpurse as for Status -1, he or she must also must make a HT or HT-based Urban Survival roll to avoid the Aching Ague (below). If playing with the Hygiene modifier, apply it here. If for some reason the delver owns a home, that doesn't help at all with stopping the Aching Ague.

Someone living at Status -1 or lower might be going hungry. Roll Urban Survival. If someone living at Status -1 fails, he is down 1 FP from missing a meal; if someone living at Status -2 fails, he is down 1d/2 FP from missing meals. If someone living at Status -1 owns a home, he doesn't need to make this roll; if someone living at Status -2 owns a home, he still needs to roll, but treat failure as if he was living at Status -1.

Note that someone living below Status 0 will take a penalty to reactions in town equal to the Status at which he is living. He also takes the same penalty to Finding a Quest and Finding a Sponsor (Dungeons, p. 4; Exploits, p. 14).

Aching Ague

Bedbugs spread it, or rats and fleas on the street.

Statistics: Blood Agent (Bedbug bites); HT to resist; 1d-2 day delay; 1d-4 HT damage; 12-hour cycle with 6 cycles. Symptoms produce stomach problems, which is the Nauseated condition (p. B428) after losing 1/3 HT; after losing 2/3 HT, doing anything stressful like combat or moving more than 1 yard a second means a Retching (p. B429) spell for 2d seconds; resist HT to keep from retching. Not contagious.


There are many chances for encounters in towns, but most of them are meaningless interactions. Check once for a meaningful random encounter each 6-hour segment of the day: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night. Encounters happen on a 9 or less, assuming you want big ones; size of the settlement does not matter. (I'm rolling on Midkemia Press's Cities myself.) Since most delvers sleep at night, skip checking for Night encounters unless the delvers are outside at night, or living at Status -2 and do not own a home. Resolve encounters as they happen.

Delvers can also go looking for someone or somewhere. Finding a known person or location in a settlement takes an Area Knowledge (Settlement) roll. Note that if the settlement's Search modifier is more than -2, the settlement will have neighborhoods with their own Area Knowledge (Neighborhood) roll. Rolling for the whole settlement when delver does not know or specify the appropriate neighborhood is at -2. If the delver has Area Knowledge for a neighborhood and wants to find something in another neighborhood, this is a flat -3 to the roll; don't worry about distance. Finding an unspecified location (i.e., a "tavern" or a "swordsmith") is just like finding a hireling on p. B517.

Daily Activities

What can a delver do during the day while in town? The short answer is one action of each of Getting Stuff Cheap (Dungeons, p. 3; Exploits, p. 13), Scoring Extra Cash (Dungeons, p. 4; Exploits, p. 14), Finding a Quest or Finding a Sponsor (Dungeons, p. 4; Exploits, p. 14), and training (Training ExpensesThe Next Level, p. 43; Exploits, p. 93).

Getting Stuff Cheap: If a delver wants to try Scrounging more than once a week, he or she is -3 for each successive attempt. Crafting and Brewing take longer than a day, so the delver needs to do this action each day until the item is finished. Brewing potions take the time listed for the potion in GURPS Magic. A fletcher on a successful Armoury (Missile Weapons) roll can craft 15 arrows a day. Weapons and armor take a number of days equal one twenty-fifth of the cost of the item. Otherwise, these actions each take a day.

Scoring Extra Cash: All of these actions take a day.

Finding a Quest and Finding a Sponsor: Like Crafting and Brewing, these actions take longer a day; specifically, they each take a week. Thus, a delver needs to do this action each day for a week to make the roll.

Training: A delver can also train for one new trait a day. This requires no roll, and applies only to adding new traits. Spend the points and the money for training; no roll is needed.

Keep in mind that these activities are separate from resolving any encounters.

Doing Work for Yuda: A delver who is down on cash can try to earn some with a side job in lieu of the tasks listed in Getting Stuff Cheap. Someone with ArmouryArtistCarpentryFarmingJewelerLeatherworkingMerchant, a Professional SkillSewing, or Teamster at 12 or better (defaults do not count) can roll against the best of these. Success means the delver earns $30 that day; critical success means the delver earns $60; critical failure means the delver has been blacklisted from working for the next week. The GM need not feel bound by the listed skills; if a player can make a case for why his non-combat skill would let his or her character earn money, let it do so.

If a delver lacks any of these skills, he can try to be a day laborer for much less. Roll against the delver's best basic attribute (ST, DX, IQ, or HT). Success means the delver earns $15 that day; critical success means the delver earns $30; critical failure means the delver has been blacklisted from working for the next week and takes 1d crushing damage from a mishap or a beating. DR does not help with this damage!

These are not secure jobs! To have one of those, the delver must own a home. For $1,000, the delver can buy a permanent hovel in town. While the delver must pay Cost of Living as normal, he or she makes job rolls monthly, as on p. B517. However, the delver must be at home and not adventuring when making monthly job rolls, making this only a choice for a long-term layoff.

Game log 24 October 2021: Not much, really

Aside from some fretting and arguing about incongruent expectations and a bored teenager, not much happened:

  • There was the spending of points.
  • There was a bard, Tulip, who played the Scarlet Harlot and joined the party at least for a little bit.
  • There was a reading of the books of Dīžáttōr by Angelista.
  • There was an impromptu trip north to end the session, but owing to bad weather the party didn't get far.
  • There will be another post about urbancrawling and handling town that came from the experience of this session.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Game log 12 September 2021, 26 September 2021, 10 October 2021: Long way out

Dramatis personae

Angelista, slayer
Poklov, Town Watchdwarf
Felcanis, cleric
Honsou, bowman watched by the Town Watchdwarf

Quid occurrit

They take off their armor, and wrap a rope around Honsou. Felcanis casts Light on Honsou's gear, then Honsou goes into the water.

Honsou moves through the hall and takes a turn to the right, into another room. The room isn't big, with the only things in it being a rusty spittoon stuck on the floor to the left and a big hole to the right. Honsou thinks the flow of the water at the hole triggers some kind of trap, and when he looks, he thinks sticking something into the hole will bring about something shooting or stabbing the fool who does this.

After about 30 seconds, Honsou comes back and tells the others about the room and the hole; Poklov thinks it could be a drain. Angelista tries to get Poklov to leave behind his armor and swim through the maze of rooms, but he balks.

They send Honsou back into the room again, this time to see if the hole is a drain. He sticks his hand into the hole, and a big spear sticks into him. Poklov feels the rope go limp, and he pulls Honsou back to dry land. There, Poklov bandages him, and Felcanis casts Stop Bleeding on him, then Major Healing.
Angelista again tries to talk Poklov to swimming through the tunnels, but again Poklov balks. Felcanis agrees with Poklov once she learns that would mean leaving Bill to die. So, they rest, and Felcanis casts Lend Energy twice to bring the wind back to Honsou.

They go back into the room with the upward-dangling rope, and all of the sudden something rushes out of the darkness to stab Poklov—a hellshot. Poklov steps out of the way, and after a few seconds of trading blows and parries and Honsou dropping his knife, Poklov knocks down the hellshot with his shield. Angelista cuts its neck, Poklov smashes its skull, then Angelista runs it through.

Honsou checks the door on the side opposite the stairs, and finds it safe and unlocked. Beyond it is a hallway with a big curtain to the right. They walk past the curtain, then to a fork in the hall, and take a left. They make it to a door, then bash it open.

Beyond the door is a room with no other ways out and three shocked folks, two women and a man. After Poklov says hello, a short, stocky woman near the door picks up her staff and asks who just now burst into the room. After some testy words with Angelista, the heroes learn the woman is Alligên, a cleric of Saundīvós, who was resting with two acolytes of Saundīvós, Puménē and Vaíkkolos.

As it happens, Alligên is a mighty cleric, at least as far as casting spells, and she heals Poklov's eye for a donation. Alligên lets the heroes know that she and her acolytes did not come through Dībités Rock and instead through a cave, so there is another way out of the dungeon.

Alligên tells the heroes that they have to walk a bit to get to the way out, and that the only thing that has saved the cleric is the Bless spells Alligên has cast on them. The heroes agree to let Alligên show them the way out.

They wind their way back to the room with the upward-dangling rope, then walk into the hallway where the werewolves had turned themselves into beasts. From there, they go around a corner and into another room with leftovers of old crates and barrels, and points at a wall to the right. "Right about here is a doorway," she says. It looks like a normal wall, so Honsou looks and finds the cracks and a rock at the bottom right corner he can wiggle to open the wall. Before he gets the door open, Alligên lets them know there are ghouls on the other side, so the clerics will have their holy symbols ready.

When Honsou gets the door open, they can see a small room with a way out to the far right, an old pipe organ on the far wall with fluid dripping from the ceiling before it, and rotting pews in between. Between the pews and the organ are four ghouls, which Angelista knows to have a hunger for bodies and a paralyzing touch. "Do not let them touch you!"

Honsou gets out a broadhead arrow and aims at a ghoul, while the ghouls wait for the heroes to come to them. Alligên raises her holy symbol, and two of the ghouls scream and hold back. Angelista lobs her spear at a ghoul at where she thinks their vitals are, then pulls out her sword. The spear goes straight into the innards of the ghoul, but doesn't drop it. Poklov moves to the fore of the others. Felcanis points her mace and tries to cast Armor on Angelista, but fails. The acolytes both concentrate, and the ghouls cower from them.

The broadhead arrow flies from Honsou's bow and into Alligên's right leg as Honsou loses his balance. She keeps concentrating through the pain. "I hope your friend doesn't kill me before the ghouls do, Felcanis!" Still up, she steps towards Poklov. Angelista runs up to the ghoul with her spear still in it and swings her sword, but misses. Poklov jumps onto a pew. Felcanis tries to cast Turn Zombie, but again her spell does not go off right. The acolytes, like their master, keep concentrating.

Honsou pulls out another arrow and aims. The ghoul with the spear in it passes out from its wounds. Angelista steps to strike another nearby ghoul, and it claws at Angelista. However, she gets her shield before its claws, and swings her sword so hard into its neck that its head almost comes off, though the ghoul, already being dead, stays up. Poklov slams a ghoul with his shield and also flicks aside its claw with his axe. Felcanis steps and casts Turn Zombie, this time wounding the ghouls. The acolytes keep concentrating, much as Alligên is.

Honsou changes his aim to another ghoul after a step and telling Vaíkkolos to move. The ghoul near Angelista lands a hit on her with its claw, weakening her, though it doesn't paralyze her. A ghoul near Poklov claws at him, but he steps back, while another rushes to claw him but misses. Alligên casts Lend Energy 3 on Angelista, and Saundīvós smiles so much at this that He heals all of Angelista's weakened nerves. Angelista swings for its neck, but its claw pushes aside the sword. Poklov tries to cut off the hand of a ghoul but misses, and Felcanis casts Sunbolt. The acolytes step back.

The thief keeps aiming, bothered since there are two folks between him and the ghoul. The ghoul swings for Angelista, who pushes her shield in the way in time. Another ghoul backs up, and the last one swings for Poklov and hits, claw stopping at the armor. Alligên swings her staff at a ghoul and hits, and it falls apart

Honsou keeps aiming. Angelista swings at a ghoul and misses, and Poklov swings at a ghoul and it steps back. Felcanis lobs her Sunbolt at a ghoul, burning it. The acolytes step to get out of the way of Honsou's shot. The ghouls step back from the crowd, the acolytes' turning them back.

At last Honsou gets off his shot, hitting the ghoul in the neck, weakening it. Another ghoul moves back, while another misses Angelista with her claw. Angelista rushes at the back-most ghoul and swings but misses. Alligên steps and casts Major Healing on herself. Poklov slams his shield into a ghoul. Felcanis goes over the pew, and the acolytes step forward.

Honsou gets out another arrow and aims. A ghoul takes a swing at Angelista, who gets her shield in the way. When another ghoul swings for Poklov, Poklov's axe catches its arm and cuts it. Alligên climbs on the pew. Angelista swings at the ghoul that tried to hit him, but it stepped back in time. Poklov puts his axe in skull of the ghoul near him, taking it out. Felcanis leaps over the pew, and stands before a slightly-raised stone daïs. Puménē steps and concentrates, while Vaíkkolos moves, dropping concentration.

Trying to save arrows, Honsou hides. Alligên moves to the daïs. The last ghoul claws at Angelista. She catches the claw on the rim of her shield then gives the ghoul a sword blow to its neck, sending it staggering backwards. Poklov moves up, and Felcanis goes back around the pew to get Bill. Puménē steps and concentrates, while Vaíkkolos goes around the pew. The ghoul and Angelista trade blows, with neither hitting at first, then Angelista takes off its head.

Among the ghouls' rubble is a ceramic jar. Even though they hear the jingle of coins inside, they hold off on opening it, instead putting it in Bill's saddlebags.

After beating the ghouls, Alligên casts Stop Bleeding on Angelista and the acolytes each cast Minor Healing on her.  After some waiting, Alligên casts Major Healing on Felcanis, and the acolytes cast Lend Energy on Felcanis to bring her back up faster. Alligên casts Stop Bleeding and Minor Healing on Honsou, then they rest some more.

They walk around the corner to the left, but Honsou says there's something happening in the hallway to the right. Since Alligên says the way out is to the left, they go that way, but the din to the right gets louder, becoming the din of growls and claws on stone. Honsou moves to the back in time to see the werewolves burst out from the hallway.

The werewolves rush into the room. Angelista gets out her sword and moves towards them, and Poklov also moves towards them.  Alligên and the acolytes start digging in their pouches for wolfsbane. Felcanis casts Armor on Angelista, and Honsou pulls out an arrow and aims.

The werewolves rush towards Poklov and Angelista but miss. Poklov tries to slam the werewolf before Angelista but misses. Felcanis casts Sunbolt, while Honsou keeps aiming.

One werewolf tries to claw Angelista, but she parries, while the other whacks Poklov in the back of the skull, but his helmet takes the blow. Felcanis lobs her Sunbolt, but hits Vaíkkolos the acolyte instead. "Yow!" he yelps, but steps back and keeps digging in his pouch.

The werewolves try to claw Angelista and Poklov, but sword and armor take the blows. Poklov misses, while Felcanis casts another Sunbolt. The werewolves still cannot get through Angelista's and Poklov's defenses, and Poklov's axe misses a werewolf's skull. Alligên gets out the wolfsbane and steps towards the fray, while Felcanis again misses with a Sunbolt, though doesn't hit anyone by mistake this time.

Honsou likewise shoots at a werewolf, but he misses. The werewolves again cannot get through to claw Angelista and Poklov, while Poklov's axe cannot get through the skull of a werewolf. Alligên steps forward, holding up the wolfsbane, while the acolytes get out their bundles.

As Honsou gets out another arrow and aims, the werewolves swing for Angelista; one gets a scratch through her armor. Poklov slams that werewolf from behind, knocking it down.

Now that the werewolves smell the wolfsbane and having only landed one scratch in many seconds of fighting, they go back down the hallway, though Poklov gets off one last useless blow on the werewolf on the ground, who doesn't care.

Alligên says, "Don't tell me you went into a dungeon without some of this stuff."

Angelista says, "Yeah, we did."

Alligên says, "Were you just thinking, 'Let's go down and kill that balrog! It will be easy!'?"

The heroes, no fully around the corner, make it into a room that looks like an old laboratory. There is an old table with a mortar and pestle on it along with a jar. There is a suit of rusty plate armor with a rusty halberd near the door. Honsou thinks the armor might be trapped, but doesn't care, and goes for the door. Doing so, he foolishly steps on the tripwire of the trapped armor before this. He hears it swing, but it can't get out of the way, so it hurts him good. Alligên casts Major Healing on Honsou, who then unhooks the tripwire.

Honsou opens the door; it is not trapped and unlocked. Beyond the door, this old storeroom is just a bunch of barrels whose wine has long turned to vinegar, with two big centipedes who see the heroes open the door. They try to bite Angelista, who is right by Honsou, but neither hits, with one putting its teeth in her shield. Honsou pulls out an arrow and steps back. Poklov throws his axe into a centipede, and pulls out another one. Angelista tries to stab the innards of a centipede, but she can't hit it.

Both centipedes again try to bite Angelista, but cannot get through her armor. As neither she nor Poklov can get through their shells, it's only fair. They bite back at Poklov and Angelista, but they bite armor and shield. That's more than Poklov and Angelista can do back. Felcanis casts Armor on Angelista. Honsou tries to shoot a centipede but misses.

Poklov, having now stepped behind the centipedes, hits one in the skull from behind, while Angelista pokes on in the innards. The centipedes keep trying to bite Angelista and Poklov, whose armor is too touch for their bites. Poklov takes one down, while Angelista can't get through the shell of the other one. It tries to bite her, but instead bites the floor. Honsou, arrow out again, aims at the centipede, while Poklov tries to play a game he calls "Diablo" and breaks a barrel. Angelista misses the centipede, which bites her armor, and Poklov stops playing Diablo and takes down the last centipede with a blow to the skull.

The gang gets into the barrel room, and blocks the door with some of them. They rest, with the acolytes casting Lend Energy on Felcanis and Poklov. Ten minutes later, Felcanis does the same on Poklov, and after a few more minutes, they're fully rested.

They follow a path to the right out of the room, up a short rise, then reach a fork. Between the fork, there is a metal trunk with a chain and collar linked to it. There is a dead body of a big lizard in that collar, and the chest is open and empty. Alligên says, "It was like that when we came in. That lizard has been dead awhile." After this, she leads them to the left, past some hollow tubes of stone that look like they are growing from the ceiling, then up another short rise. There is a tunnel going left, and Alligên says, "We came from there."

They go through the tunnel, and after about an hour, they come out by a tree with ravens and a lake. Dībités Rock is along the shoreline; it's late afternoon. After telling the clerics they need to get home, Alligên nods at the heroes and says, "We need to get back, too. We're from Blossētétiš"—a town well to the north the north—"so we have a loooong trek. We obviously weren't up to this. We'll be sure to welcome you if you ever come, Felcanis." Poklov gives her a donation of 100 copper, then they start to the north.

They hunt that night (other than Felcanis, who casts Create Food for herself) and pitch camp. They spend the next three days going back to Mīstássun, with Honsou using his last arrows to hunt.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Castle Whiterock 11 October 2021: Inky, Inky, Inky, no Clyde

The murderhoboes

Garreth, half-orc swordsman
    Bleu, droning elf wizard
Zaber, suave and debonaire man
    Logan, wolverine
Polly, cute and deadly elf archer
(Thrognar, half-orc holy warrior)
(Stonemaul, half-orc holy warrior)
(Mikal, human holy warrior)

What happened

Now that we've checked out the area with the inferno cats, we're ready to look around elsewhere. After some chatting, we walk right, beyond where we fought the cats, and when it branches, we keep to the left. However, something about ten yards down the tunnel stops my darkvision. "Garreth, can you ask Droning Booty what's making my darkvision to fade there?"

Garreth asks Bleu, who says, "Might be more spellruin ivy."

After some chatter, we learn from Blah that smoking it ruins magical aptitude and likely won't get us high, and it would dull non-orichalcum blades trying to cut it. This means that spellruin ivy sucks, so we choose to go another way.

I lean down to Logan and ask, "Hey, boy, smell anything?" He makes honking sounds and looks down a hallway to the right of the one with the spellruin ivy. We hear unhappy honking sounds coming from there, and I put on my ring. "Not more of these guys."

Bleu also hears the sound. "Ah, it sounds like destrachans, and also a certain squishy sound that reminds me of the Myrtatum Maximum Nigrum from the cafeteria. The destrachans sound rather frightened." We step a little farther down, and find four destrachans and the biggest black pudding I've ever seen.

Polly, as always, starts shooting, taking down two destrachans with head shots. Garreth starts trying to speed himself up, and asks Bleu about this black pudding. Bleu says this is like a normal black pudding, but it's as big as a big dragon, and thus has a hunger at least as big as a big dragon's. Its acid could eat up our weapons, and, if we hit it hard enough, it will bud off smaller puddings. The last two destrachans flee, honking at Polly and Logan, who get away from their cone of sound. Logan slams into the one by him, knocking it back.

That's the best thing to happen to that destrachan today, since right after that, the black pudding's pseudopods reach out at the destrachans, Polly, and Logan. Polly and Logan get out of the way, but the pudding slurps back the destrachans into its body after the destrachan that Logan hurt bursts.

I yell at Garreth, "Garreth, something tells me this is the wrong way!"

Garreth yells back, "I've been telling you this isn't the way."

Bleu casts Great Haste on herself, and Polly shoots three arrows at the big pudding, which does nothing other than making the pudding drop a few destrachan bits. "So, uh, back to the start?"

Garreth nods, then lets out a roar. The pudding stops, stunned.

We fly away. Bleu says, "With us flying it probably can't actually track us, the Myrtatum Maximum Nigrum hunts by taste of the ground when it cannot directly sense its prey."

As we fly away, we chat about now needed it is to kill the pudding. Bleu and I say that it likely has no treasure, which makes Polly sad, and deem it truly evil. Garreth agrees with Polly: "Loot destruction is evil."

I say we have to find other ways of killing it besides hitting it with weapons. Bleu says it can see, that slime-affecting spells work on it but are tiring to cast because it's so big, and it has magic resistance. I suggest luring it into lava, and Bleu says it's as smart as a wolf, so won't fall for that trick. We all do think that getting it into a pit would slow it a little, letting us drop big things onto it.

I look down the other tunnels to the right. One has more spellruin ivy, but another leads us to a statue of a broad-shouldered, tiger-like creature stands in the middle. It has top-notch craftsmanship, and looks ready to pounce. This worries me greatly, so I ask Blah about it. She says that it looks like an inferno cat under the effects of a Flesh to Stone spell or something like that, which is pretty much what made me worried.

Garreth says I need to check this out. I shake my head. "Logan, keep Garreth and Polly company. Pee on Bleu's robes if I don't come back." With that, I put on my ring, and fly a little farther.

Rising like an ill mist from the floor are three shapes of what I think are big men made of shadow. I fly backwards, and take off my ring. I'm pretty sure they saw me even with it on. "Looks like Nazgûl."

Other stuff

"Myrtatum Maximum Nigrum" is indeed Latin for "biggest black pudding." Kalzazz didn't do a bad job picking words, getting the last two right. I checked and found that "pudding" in Latin is "myrtatum" or "murtatum" (it's an obvious Greek loanword); "nigrum" might be redundant, since myrtatum is already a sausage with myrtle berries.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Castle Whiterock 13 September 2021: Cats and not-quite-dogs

The murderhoboes

Garreth, half-orc swordsman
    Bleu, droning elf wizard
Zaber, suave and debonaire man
    Logan, wolverine
Thrognar, half-orc holy warrior
Stonemaul, half-orc holy warrior
Mikal, human holy warrior
Polly, cute and deadly elf archer

What they did

Garreth drinks something from his flask, and I make a sound like a dying giraffe. Then we hear the three destrachans honk and come at us. Thrognar takes up a spot in the foremost lines, while Mikal goes off to the side, near the ivy. I wait for one to come for me, but Logan flies forward and tries to bite a destrachan. Polly shoots one a few times and it drops. Thrognar focuses, and gets strong and fast, and Bleu casts Great Haste on Garreth.

Destrachans swell up as they breathe in. The giant stomps over shield first trying to smash Thrognar, and tries to overrun Logan as he does so, but both get out of the way. He makes it to Garreth and tries to smash him, but he parries. Once the giant stops, he swings his hammer at Bleu, but Garreth parries that, too.

Logan dashes towards a destrachan and bites it. Polly shoots three arrows at it, dropping it. Thrognar and Garreth swing a few times at the giant, taking him down and smashing in his skull. Some of the blood gets on my face. "Ewww, Garreth. You had to know I was behind him, man."

The last destrachan honks. Logan harmonizes with it, but the sonic blast hurts Polly. Stonemaul, however, steps out of the shadows and reads a Rune of Protection heal her pain. Logan bites more destrachan, while Polly peppers it with arrows, killing it.

Polly looks a bit tired and rubs her arms. Logan keeps eating, then trots back to Garreth and me with some destrachan-flesh in his mouth. Logan drops the gnawed leg of the destrachan at Garreth's feet, and nudges it with his nose, as if offering to share it with Garreth, me, or anyone else. While Garreth is loath to try some at first, but when Bleu says that fried destrachan legs are a delicacy for swamp elves, he has to try.

After looting the bags of the giant, I start tracking the big cats. After a short walk, I find them. They look like a cross between bulldogs and tigers, then leap towards us. Garreth triggers Great Haste and Stonemaul drops the backpack and gets into a good spot. The inferno cats come to Logan and me. I put my knife in the eye of one, dropping it, while Logan claws the face of the other one. It breathes acid fire at us, burning us a little, but misses me with its claws. Polly shoots it thrice, and misses it thrice.

Stonemaul moves, and Garreth moves before he chops at the inferno cat. He wounds it, then Logan and I do the same. Polly shoots it in the eyes, dropping it. I fix my armor from the acid, and Logan rips the inferno cat to shreds.