The murderhoboes
Bleu, droning elf wizard
Zaber, suave and debonaire man
Logan, wolverine
Polly, cute and deadly elf archer
Stonemaul, dwarven cleric of Danethar
What they did
The conflagration worm rears up above us. Veins like red hot wires are near its skin. Garreth lunges forward with Scalemar in hand, and hews through its skin easily. As each blow lands great jets of lava like blood spurt out, splashing over Garreth. He howls in fury, and Polly plunks three arrows into its body. Logan steps and swats at it, hitting its veins, making lava spout out. He smokes a bit, but gets out of the way of the fire, and Bleu casts Blink Other to do likewise for Garreth. I get my crossbow out, and spot Stonemaul. "Stonemaul? Man, have I been smoking some good shit." He focuses his inner strength, becoming tougher.
The worm rears up and slams its head and teeth down at Logan, but he steps back. It swats its tail at Garreth, but Stonemaul shoves his dwarven shield in the way, breaking the awful heat. Garreth steps back and focuses on speeding up, as well as taking a Great Haste from Bleu, while Polly peppers the worm with more arrows. Stonemaul goes in to whack the veins, and gets out of the way of its spurts of hot lava blood. Logan swipes at its veins with his claws, while I also take a shot for the same. We both get out of the way of the firey spurts.
It again rears up then smashes down at Garreth, but he, Polly, Logan, Stonemaul, and Bleu get out of the way, Bleu with a Blink. I step back from the heat. It slaps its tail at Stonemaul, who again blocks it. Garreth hacks at it, hitting it and getting out of the way of the hot blood. Stonemaul again stabs the veins while Garreth takes a slug of a healing potion. Polly runs and shoots, an arrow plunking into the worm and dropping it with a crash.
Garreth reloads my crossbow, then asks Bleu, "Anything worth scavenging from that thing?" She babbles on in great detail about the biological, geological, and commercial impact of the conflagration worm, but it boils down to, "No." Garreth shrugs and takes a swig from the wineskin, healing himself up.
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