The murderhoboes
Bleu, droning elf wizard
Zaber, suave and debonaire man
Logan, wolverine
Polly, cute and deadly elf archer
What they did
Garreth sighs, cracks his neck left and right, and pulls out his sword. "What do you think Scalemar?" After a moment, he says, "Yes, I've taken great pains to make you ready for anything."
I shake my head and lean down to Logan. "There he goes, talking to a sword that we can't hear …"
Garreth looks up and grins. "Zaber, I don't think letting you go off alone is wise. So maybe you and I advance together and you are my spotter?"
I nod. "Yeah, let's go." I put my ring back on and poof, then slug some whiskey while Garreth drinks from the Everful Everclear Skin.
Garreth shouts out into the dungeon. "Hey there, draaaaagon. I heard you … something awful." He stops for a weird moment and focuses his chi before singing "Afternoon Delight." He grips my arm somehow, and we go towards the edge.
The filthy, burning water suddenly swells, and then the head of the black dragon comes through the water. "Stop singing!"
Garreth chuckles. "Oh, hello, sweetheart."
Silhouette hisses. "Scithia didn't tell me you were so annoying!"
Polly shoots three arrows fast at Silhouette, and one hits her eye. "Bloody elf!" Galdiera calls up mighty energy, and Bleu stands warily as Garreth shuts his eyes and beckons forth his speed. Logan pulls the cord linked to the crossbow on his back. The dragon parries it, as well as Elweiss's spear. I hold and wait until she comes near. Silhouette says something in Draconic, and Bleu shouts, "She said, "Golem, attack!' in a lowland swamp accent of Draconic!" The coins take on a the shape of a man (or woman, who knows?) and fly at us. Most of us get out of the way, while Bleu blinks. A pillar comes down at Garreth and me, but we get out of the way.
Silhouette shuts her eyes and casts a spell on herself, likely Great Haste because she's suddenly much faster. She spits acid at us, though it hurts only Erica as the rest of us get out of the way. Silhouette lobs a red gem from her paw at Erica's feet where it bursts. This doesn't hurt anyone other than Logan, who takes a little blunt trauma. Silhouette them claws, bites, flaps her wings, and swats her tail at Garreth, who parries every blow. "Ya'll done took out the demonhold, thank ya for that!"
As Polly shoots and misses Silhouette, a pit fiend shows up, coming from the gem Silhouette threw. Galdiera, who is ticked pink to see the demon, swats at it, hitting once and wounding it. Garreth dives into the water, and comes up at Silhouette's rear, but she parries his blows with her hind legs and tail as she does. He keeps going up with her, hitting her once. "Ya darn half ork, I ain't callin' you immortal like ma handmaid Scithia!" Erica charges up her chain lightning and blasts the golem, stunning it. She bounces the lightning to the demon, hitting it twice as Logan is wounding it. Logan likewise goes after it like a flying furry ginsu knife of good and it falls down. Elweiss casts Great Haste then lobs his spear again, scratching the cornea of the demon. I step and stab at her eye, but she swats me away.
Silhouette steps and tries to smush Garreth, then rend him, which she cannot do. She casts again and again tries to rend Garreth to bits, which she again cannot do. "Stand still, ya li'l varmint!"
Garreth bares his teeth. "Yer kung-fu is weak! Hic!"
The pit fiend lets out an aura of fear, somehow scaring Elweiss but no one else. His eyes widen. "Oh no, a pit fiend! It might … I dunno!"
I chuckle. "Listen, bub, you aren't remotely as scary the stuff I've seen after taking acid, and not the stuff under us!"
The pit fiend lobs a fireball at Logan, sizzling him a little, then lobs firey meteors at Galdiera, Logan, Erica, and Bleu. This burns all of them, but Bleu's Bless takes the pain and gently pushes her out of the way.
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