The murderhoboes
Bleu, droning elf wizard
Zaber, suave and debonaire man
Logan, wolverine
Polly, cute and deadly elf archer
What they did
We see a rakshasa sitting on the bed. I ask him, "Hey, there, wanna drink up?"
The rakshasa scowls. "Drink? With you? What makes you think you are worthy to drink with me, intruders who have killed my guards and broken into my sanctum?"
I shrug. "We didn't wanna drink with your guards, man. We wanted the best!"
He pauses. "Have you any duergar stout? It has been so long since a shipment from Narborg arrived."
I turn to Garreth. "Hey, Garreth, got any duergar stout?"
Garreth sighs. "I don't think we have any left, we could go rummage around in the ruins and see what we can find."
Garreth starts looking, but the rakshasa pipes up. "Ah, Gar-Eff and the Murder Hoboes?" He sniffs. "I do not see the point of such frivolities as much, I believe that the truest form of artistic expression is fine oratory" It then goes into ancient speeches of forgotten generals from the past, in the Ancient tongue.
I turn to Bleu. "Bleu, getting all of this?"
Bleu looks at me point blank. "No."
Garreth mutters in Undercommon, "Is he worth being friends with? Music is frivolity? What is that, poetry?"
I say back, "He looks like he knows how to party, man."
The rakshasa says back to us in Undercommon, "Only if you are worthy to be my friends."
I go through the booze in the bag of holding. "Man, we need a liquor cabinet of holding, too."
Stonemaul: chimes in. "The garbage those under-dwarves drink is only fit for setting things on fire. You might be able to get it as a cornucopia of flame-syphon ammo."
The rakshasa cocks an eyebrow. "You know of something far superior?"
Stonemaul says, "I will differ to my compatriots who have a very adventurous pallet to make recommendation."
Garreth shrugs. "I'm less of a connoisseur than a heavy consumer. I like to get drunk but it takes flammable booze by the pint. I'm depressingly sober right now, though. We had a bottle of dwarven firewine a while back that wasn't bad."
I hand over my whiskeyskin. "G, have a little more."
Garreth eyes the tiger thing and shakes his head slowly. "After."
The rakshasa dismisses us with a wave. "Then, depart the way you came, and return only with appropriate gifts, then may I leave you pass."
Garreth asks, "What would we pass to?"
The rakshasa says, "Beyond my realm and into that of the dragon. Also if you run into a medusa, do not slay her, bring her to me bound and you shall be rewarded."
I say, "We don't care about your realm. I mean, it sounds sweet, but it's yours. We care about that dragon. The medusa, not my type. I like being stoned, but not stoned stoned."
Stonemaul nods. "What would your plans be for this medusa?"
The rakshasa smiles. "We've been together for a few centuries now so I think it would you know, as they say, spice things up." He gives Stonemaul a wink.
I give the rakshasa a thumbs-up. "I totally dig the way you think."
Stonemaul says, "So, you're already in a relationship with the medusa and you want to pay us to become third parties to your bedroom play?" He shrugs. "I am OK with that."
The rakshasa adds, "I can gallantly rescue her! It will be fun! I won't even kill you!"
I ask, "How do we all deal with her eyes?"
Stonemaul says, "They do say that if you close off your eyes your other senses are heightened."
The rakshasa scoffs, "Uh, if you intend to deal with the dragon you best be able to handle a medusa. Put a bag over her head?"
I agree. "That works! It works for a medusa or for Bea Arthur!"
Stonemaul sighs. "Well, we were going to have to deal with the medusa anyway, and this seems like a very valid opportunity to introduce some chaos into what seems like a longstanding relationship."
Garreth shrugs. "It's something to discuss and or plan for. We might want to go get a mirrored shield or four."
Stonemaul nods. "If you'd be so kind as to excuse us we'll discuss your offer in detail." He heads back to the barrel of radioactive waste.
The rakshasa nods as well. "Very well, do stop by after you have your little chat"
I tell Logan to stand watch, and we chat among ourselves, as much in Aquan as we can. Stonemaul says, "As I said, we were going to have to deal with the rakshasa and the medusa anyway. Doing this seems to make the job a bit easier. Further, with Zaber's platinum-coated tongue we can most likely simply inform the medusa of the plan, and have her act out the helpless victim, thus avoiding that fight as well."
I gurgle in Aquan, "I, like, know he wants to kill us and will do it when he has a chance, but I like his lifestyle."
Stonemaul says, "I believe you won him over quite well with your speech, and he seemed pretty honest about his offer. I'm totally down if you guys want to just get on with the slaughtering, but having a medusa and rakshasa in our debt seems like it may pay off more than having a few more notches on my sword."
Garreth has Bleu tell us about rakshasas. "So, they are a race of Lawful Evil outsiders. They enjoy power and dominance of a predatory aristocrat, but the lazy indolence and luxury of a cat. They cannot resist the finer things in life, and wield powerful sorcerous magic. They can shapeshift and assume various forms, preferring that of humanoid tigers, but are marked by their reversed hands."
Garreth raises his eyebrow. "Lawful? So they must keep deals?"
Bleu nods. "It does not appear it is a form of demonic contract, but yes, they should in general honor their word. They feel their nobility far exceeds that of lesser races." Garreth asks if they can grant wishes. Bleu says they cannot, but they can craft enchantments.
Stonemaul says, "So, it seems the real question is: how much can we negotiate playing bedroom pixies for?"
Garreth shakes his head. "So, I have a few other concerns. He associated with the slavers. I went a long way out of my way to murder those slavers."
Stonemaul sighs. "Suppose we could ask him what he intends to do after this is all said and done. Get back to the choppin' if it's more slavery."
Garreth shakes his head again. "The association with slavery, then the ask to bring us another creature bound up just rubs me the wrong way. I'll go along with the group on this, but making my concerns heard."
I say, "Will do whatever it takes to get in this cat's doubtless marvelous liquor cabinet."
Garreth chuckles, "Murder gets us there just fine."
Stonemaul says, "How about this? We do like I outlined: Zaber talks to the medusa. So long as she's down for whatever this relationship is, then are are just bedroom pixies facilitating … something. And we get them both to pay us for the troubles."
With that, we set forth for Cillamar again to get mirrored shields.