Sunday, September 1, 2024

Game log 11 August 2024: The rain is cold, cold like cold rain

Personae dramatis

Tonfa Guy, doesn't speak or have a name but has a tonfa
Grignok, handsome orc druid
Augustus, human cleric
Nílde, elf archer (NPC)

Quid occurrit

About midday, it's raining. Hard. The gang see some movement in the bush ahead, and a pudgy man in heavy mail and a spear steps out. "Hail! Stop right there!" They can see there are about a half-dozen folks in the bushes with him. "Fork over all your stuff."

The gang doesn't do much, so the pudgy man says, "Fuck your dallying, wet boys. Brothers, sisters, get 'em!"

Nílde tries to quick ready her bow, but fumbles with it after a step. Tonfa Guy slips off the side of the road, and now can clearly see the other bandits in the bush. Augustus steps and readies his bow. Grignok steps and concentrates on Shapeshifting. Two bandits move towards Tonfa Guy, a man with wood sticks in his beard and a woman with a mohawk. A chubby woman joins the chubby man. The others also have spears.

Nílde steps and whips out an arrow and shoots Porky the Bandit with a bodkin arrow  that just sticks in his armor. Tonfa Guy tries to bop the bandit with the sticks in his beard, but Mr. Woodsticks just gets out of the way. Augustus pulls out an arrow and moves. Grignok steps and concentrates on Shapeshifting. The plump pair hold their ground. Mr. Woodsticks and Ms. T step and poke Tonfa Guy. Both miss as Tonfa Guy pulls back towards the road.

Again Nílde gets off a shot, and this time her arrow gets through and takes down a bandit. Tonfa Guy whips out his knife, and it goes into Mr. Woodsticks's side. Augustus shoots Porky the Bandit, who drops. Grignok casts Shapeshifting and steps, now a panther. Ms. T stabs at Tonfa Guy, who parries with his tonfa. Porkette lets loose a war cry, and starts running forwards. Three more bandits—flat nose, braided beard, and pony tail woman—rush forward

Nílde shoots a regular arrow at the chubby woman, dropping her. The Tonfa Guy changes grips and then steps into close range with Ms. T and rams home his tonfa. She drops, dazed, and lets go of her buckler and spear. Augustus steps and pulls out another arrow. Grignok pounces on Braided Beard, likewise stunning him, and making him drop his buckler and spear. Pony Tail and Flat Nose try to stab Grignok but both miss.

After reloading, Nílde shoots Flat Nose, but he catches the arrow on the rim of his shield. The Tonfa Guy has a cold murderous intent in his eyes, and he keeps jabbing Ms. T. Augustus shoots Flat Nose, who steps aside. Grignok bites Braided Beard as he tries to roll away, making him pass out. Ms. T rolls away. Pony Tail and Flat Nose go for Grignok again, and again both miss.

Nilde shoots Flat Nose again, and the arrow sticks deep in his side. The Tonfa Guy smashes Ms. T with his tonfa, and she passes out trying to get away. Augustus steps and pulls out an arrow. Grignok tries to grapple Pony Tail, but she gets her spear between them. She tries to stab him back, but likewise cannot hit him. Flat Nose rushes towards Augustus, but he steps away.

Flat Nose again gets his shield in the way of Nílde's shot. Tonfa Guy starts looting the bodies by him. Augustus also shoots Flat Nose, who catches the arrow on the rim of his shield. Grignok claws at Pony Tail, taking a big hunk out of her, but she keeps standing, then steps back. Flat Nose stabs Nílde, but her armor takes the blow. She shoots him back, and his shield blocks her arrow yet again.

Augustus reloads.  Grignok steps and claws Pony Tail again, dropping her. Flat Nose stabs Nílde, dropping her. Augustus shoots Flat Nose, missing him, but Grignok pounces on Flat Nose's back, getting his claws into his skull, dropping him.

Augustus casts Stop Bleeding on Nílde, and she awakes. "F-f-fuck, that h-hurt …" Then he casts Major Healing on her, which gives him a surge of holy might, fully healing her. "So, d-d-d-d-d-d-d—y'know, w-we-w-win?"

Augustus says, "M-messily."

They grab the loot, including the armor of the heavyset bandit. Augustus takes the armor, Nílde gets the two bracelets, Tonfa Guy steals the copper and silver, they split up the gold two each, and look to sell the sards.

They reach Rēláištiš near sundown. There, the guard says, "You should put your slave on a leash," pointing to Grignok.

They shrug it off. Nílde says, "W-w-we'll g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-fuck! D-dungeon to-m-m-morrow."

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